Three-Tiered Response-To-Intervention (RTI) Model
We use a three-tiered model for delivering instruction and support to students in most cases before special education services are considered. Data are collected at each Tier to determine a student’s progress. If the student is not making reasonable progress at one of the levels, then the intervention may be increased to the next Tier. A complete list of current supports offered at the Kilmer School is listed here.
Support Team Process information here.
We use a three-tiered model for delivering instruction and support to students in most cases before special education services are considered. Data are collected at each Tier to determine a student’s progress. If the student is not making reasonable progress at one of the levels, then the intervention may be increased to the next Tier. A complete list of current supports offered at the Kilmer School is listed here.
- Tier I is considered the Core, or basic level of instruction and/or support intended to meet the needs of at least 80% of students. This is what we do for all students across the school.
- Tier II consists of more intensive intervention, delivered to small groups of students who need a little extra help beyond the Core to meet expectations. Examples include: Small group literacy or math tutoring delivered by a Teacher-Leader during the school day, extra time on a computer-based learning program (e.g., First In Math), or group counseling or social group with MSPP or Home for Little Wanderers Counseling staff.
- Tier III is highly intensive intervention (increased frequency and even more individualized) that is delivered in groups of no more than three students at a time, but is often one-to-one. Examples include: Individual reading or math intervention targeting specific skills, individual behavior contracts with students and parents to provide a structured and predictable set of expectations and limits for behavior, or individual counseling with MSPP or Home for Little Wanderers Counseling Staff.
- Special Education Services are recommended by the Student Support Team (SST) when a student has not made effective progress after the RTI supports have been implemented. SST reviews the student’s data and makes a referral for Special Education services as appropriate to the students’ area of suspected disability.
Support Team Process information here.