Tier II and III Supports and Services Offered at the Kilmer School
- Extra Help – Classroom or Subject Teachers. This is frequently offered by many teachers during recess or Advisory period (Middle School), before or after school by appointment.
- First In Math – Classroom Math Teachers. This is a computer-based program that helps students gain mastery of basic math skills in order to meet the demands of the grade-level curriculum. Students may use this program in class or at home.
- Literacy Intervention – Maureen Smith, Teacher-Leader. Mrs. Smith meets with small groups and individuals within and outside the ELA classroom, depending on the students’ level of need. The intent of this support is to enable students to succeed in Tier I as soon as possible without needing Tier II or III help.
- Math Intervention – Katherine Simpson, Teacher-Leader. Ms. Simpson meets with a limited number of students to provide intensive math intervention based on specific math skill and knowledge gaps. It is expected that students receiving this math support will be able to succeed in Tier I as soon as the identified skill is mastered.
- MSPP Literacy Tutoring – MSPP Graduate Work Study Student. The MSPP Literacy Tutor will join elementary classrooms and will work with selected groups of students on shared reading, book discussions, and responding to higher-level thinking questions. This will lower the student-teacher ratio, provide additional challenge for accelerated students, and will help the classroom teacher to provide targeted support to students in class.
Socio-Emotional / Mental Health
- Home For Little Wanderers Counseling – Jamie Hirsch, Joan Muray, Jenna Scott. Our partnership with the Home is expanding this year to include more on-site hours by Licensed Mental Health Clinician Jamie Hirsch, Psychologist Joan Murray, and School Psychology Intern Jenna Scott. Among the services they can provide are 1-1 counseling, boys’ group, girls’ group, and social skills group. Parental consent is required to participate and students’ health insurance is billed for these services.
- Mass. School of Professional Psychology (MSPP) Primary Project – Elyse Liebner, Site Coordinator. Primary project is an enrichment program for selected students in K2 through grade 2 who might benefit from child-directed play opportunities with a 1-1 Child Associate. Child Associates are MSPP Graduate students in School Psychology. 30-minute play sessions occur once weekly for approximately 12 weeks beginning in November. Students are selected for Primary Project based on teacher survey data and direct feedback relating to a student’s level of adjustment to school, confidence, socialization, mood, and focus. This is a nationally recognized, scientifically based program that has yielded excellent results for our students. See the Primary Project Facts page for more information. Parental consent is required to participate and there is no fee. Information sessions for parents of selected students are offered in the Fall and Spring.
- MSPP Counseling – Jessica Sciaraffa and Gal Sivan. MSPP Counseling Interns are on-site at the Kilmer 2 days per week to meet with students in small group and 1-1 settings. Among the services they provide are social group, anti-bullying support, and 1-1 counseling. Parental consent is required to participate and there is no fee.
- IEP-Specified Social Pragmatics and Social Skills/Perspective Taking – Nancy Barnett and Kathleen Schortmann, Speech & Language Pathologists; Nina Alberg, Autism & Aspergers Consultant; Autism Resource Specialist. Students with identified need for specialized instruction in social pragmatics, social skills, and/or perspective taking will be involved group that provides explicit teaching of these skills and how to apply them in every day settings and to new and novel situations.