Kilmer students:
Homework Expectations
School Yard Behavior
Before school
Filing Behavior
If You Break A Rule You Will...
Fire Drill
Building Behavior
Lunchtime Behavior
Bus Behavior
- Put forth their best effort every day;
- Follow directions;
- Listen and participate;
- Do not disrupt learning;
- Treat everyone with respect and kindness.
- All students will arrive to school on time and ready to learn!
- We will try our very best every day.
Homework Expectations
- All students will complete their homework each evening.
- Students in grades two and above will use their homework logs each day.
School Yard Behavior
Before school
- We go to our lines.
- We have quiet conversations in line.
- We NEVER leave the school yard.
- We play fairly by taking turns and sharing.
- We play in assigned areas.
- We stop playing and walk to our line when signaled.
Filing Behavior
- We stand in a single file line with our eyes forward.
- We leave a space between each other.
- We hold the doors for each other.
- We file on the right side of the corridor and stairwells.
- We walk slowly and quietly.
- We take one step at a time on the stairs.
If You Break A Rule You Will...
- Have a conversation about your behavior with a teacher or other adult and/or
- Lose privileges such as recess or deal with other consequences given by the teacher and/or
- Have a discipline report sent or a phone call made to your home and/or
- Have a meeting with the principal and/or
- Have a meeting with your parent/guardian and your teacher and/or
- Have a meeting with the principal, your teacher and your parent/guardian and/or
- Be suspended.
Fire Drill
- When told, we always walk quickly and silently to the nearest exit.
- We stay with our class.
- We follow our teacher’s directions.
Building Behavior
- We listen to and obey all adults in the building.
- We must have adult permission to leave the room and we always make sure an adult knows where we are.
- We respect the rights and property of others.
- We respect school property.
- We do not use obscene or vulgar language or actions.
- We never threaten, intimidate, or use verbal or physical abuse against others.
- We do not bring toys, game or any electronic devices of any kind to school without the school’s permission. (These items will be taken and your parent/guardian will need to pick them up from the principal.)
- We never do anything to disrupt the learning process.
Lunchtime Behavior
- We listen to and obey the lunch monitor.
- We clean up our tables after we eat.
- We are courteous and considerate others.
Bus Behavior
- We stay in our seats at all times.
- We speak quietly.
- We obey the bus driver and follow all of his or her rules.