Generally, children who are well enough to come to school should be able to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. Notify the school when your child will be absent due to illness or injury (you may consider using the form available here). Students receiving antibiotics for a contagious condition such as strep throat, bacterial conjunctivitis, etc. must stay out of school until 24 hours of antibiotic therapy has been completed.
If your child has red eye with drainage, unknown rash, diarrhea, vomiting or any contagious viruses, please afford him/her the day(s) off. Wherever children gather, it is possible for germs and bacteria to grow. However, by allowing children the day off to recuperate, we can decrease the incidence. Families should reinforce the importance of effective hand washing in decreasing germs.
If your child develops chicken pox, please inform the school nurse. She will advise you about the appropriate time for your child's return to school.
Fever: If your child has a temperature of 99.4 degrees or above in the morning, it is recommended that (s)he stay home and remain at home for 24 hours after a fever has subsided. If your child develops a fever during school hours (s)he will not be allowed to return to the classroom and will remain in the nurse's office until dismissed to a parent or a person designated by a parent.
Injury: Any student who has sustained an injury (stitches, sprain, fracture, etc.) that was treated by a physician and who will have restricted activity for a limited period of time must bring a note from the physician stating the nature of the restrictions and when the student may resume participation in physical education class. The student will not be allowed to return to physical education until this note is received.
If your child has red eye with drainage, unknown rash, diarrhea, vomiting or any contagious viruses, please afford him/her the day(s) off. Wherever children gather, it is possible for germs and bacteria to grow. However, by allowing children the day off to recuperate, we can decrease the incidence. Families should reinforce the importance of effective hand washing in decreasing germs.
If your child develops chicken pox, please inform the school nurse. She will advise you about the appropriate time for your child's return to school.
Fever: If your child has a temperature of 99.4 degrees or above in the morning, it is recommended that (s)he stay home and remain at home for 24 hours after a fever has subsided. If your child develops a fever during school hours (s)he will not be allowed to return to the classroom and will remain in the nurse's office until dismissed to a parent or a person designated by a parent.
Injury: Any student who has sustained an injury (stitches, sprain, fracture, etc.) that was treated by a physician and who will have restricted activity for a limited period of time must bring a note from the physician stating the nature of the restrictions and when the student may resume participation in physical education class. The student will not be allowed to return to physical education until this note is received.