Kilmer Field Days:
Lower School
Upper School (Hynes Field)

Parent Council (SPC) will provide hot dogs, watermelon and water. (Generously donated by Roche Brothers.) Lower School students will eat in the cafeteria as usual. We are planning for the Upper School students to eat at Hynes Field. This change will allow us to streamline our volunteer efforts: we only need to focus on the outdoor stuff and let the cafeteria staff handle lunches.
In past years we've had a generous donor provide us with bottled water for the day. Unfortunately, we don't have that for this year. So, we need plenty of donations of water - if you are able, please send in a case of bottled water the morning of Field Day.
Remember: this is NOT a Family Day, this is a school event. If you are volunteering and have small children, please arrange childcare for them while you volunteer at the school. This is also not a spectator sport - if you come to watch, you will be asked to help!
Come for the whole day or stay for half the day - whatever you can manage. We need plenty of help FOR BOTH THE UPPER AND LOWER SCHOOLS.
In past years we've had a generous donor provide us with bottled water for the day. Unfortunately, we don't have that for this year. So, we need plenty of donations of water - if you are able, please send in a case of bottled water the morning of Field Day.
Remember: this is NOT a Family Day, this is a school event. If you are volunteering and have small children, please arrange childcare for them while you volunteer at the school. This is also not a spectator sport - if you come to watch, you will be asked to help!
Come for the whole day or stay for half the day - whatever you can manage. We need plenty of help FOR BOTH THE UPPER AND LOWER SCHOOLS.
What parents need to do:
Email back to volunteer - let us know the times you are available, and if you can help with setup (9:15) or cleanup (3:00). Send email to [email protected] or call 617-515-2916.
- Donate a case of water if you are able (please bring it to school the morning of Field Day.)
- Let us know if you have a shade tent that we can borrow in the event of hot weather.
- Come to Field Day and help!
- On Field Day:
- Children should wear Joyce Kilmer T-shirts if they have them
- Hot Dog Lunch will be provided.