School Parent Council (SPC)The Kilmer School Parent Council (SPC) is very active in supporting our school community. Every parent of a Kilmer Student is automatically a member of the SPC.
The SPC supports learning by a variety of activities including funding field trips, providing teachers with classroom supplies, and funding extended learning opportunities like after-school clubs. SPC also brings our community together through events such as the Back To School Kickoff, and Field Day. SPC raises funds through traditional methods (Election Day Bake Sales, seasonal gift sales, etc.) and elections for officers are held annually. Meetings are held at regular intervals to discuss, approve, and plan projects to help the school, to receive updates from the principal, and to plan ways to help more parents get involved at the Kilmer School. You may contact the Kilmer SPC by email: [email protected] with questions, or to request to be added to the email distribution list. |